Click images to enlarge

Grevillea curviloba

Grevillea 'Plum Crazy'

Eucalyptus erythrocorys

Grevillea bipinnatifida

Australis Plants is a wholesale propagation nursery specialising in the tubestock production of tropical hybrid Grevillea's, NSW Christmas Bush and Waxflower in 50mm tubes.

We also supply a wide range of grafted Grevillea tubestock, grafted Grevillea standards and other grafted native plants.

Our plants are propagated all year round in sophisticated environment controlled greenhouses under the highest standards of nursery hygiene.

Our production sites for Grevilleas and other native plants are located at Highfields and Bundaberg.

Plants can be ordered by filling in the online forward order form or the available stock order form, and emailing or faxing it to Australis Plants. Once we receive the order we will contact you to confirm availability and arrange freight details. To ensure that your stock is ready in time for your production schedule we recommend that you use the forward order system to place your order 4-5 months in advance. For your convenience we also provide a list of currently available stock which is updated at the end of every week.

Plants can be dispatched via road, rail or air. We are accredited to send plants to all states of Australia. International orders are welcome.

Research and Development

One of our main objectives at Australis Plants is the development and introduction of 'new' Australian native species that have exceptional ornamental potentional but remain uncommercialised.

Our research team lead by Dr Greg O'Sullivan is primarily focused on improving the adaptibilty, disease resistance and performace of Western Australian native species through grafting onto hardy eastern Australian rootstocks, as well as, developing propagation techniques to improve the strike rate of difficult to propagate native species. Australian native species currently grafted in the nursery include Grevillea, Brachychiton, Chamelaucium, Boronia, Pimelea, Prostanthera and Eremophila.

Queensland also has a natural resource of spectacular flowering tropical/subtropical grevillea species and hybrids that is yet to be fully exploited. 

Australis Plants provide a commercial research/propagation service to the nursery industry and welcomes your enquiries regarding new lines or difficult species that require development.


As well as undertaking our own plant breeding, Australis Plants works with a network of plant breeders and nurseries throughout Australia to introduce unique new cultivars into commercial production.

Plant labels, promotional material and grower information is available to nurseries interested in growing our new plant lines. Plant labels for exclusive lines are supplied with the plants at the time of sale. Some labels, however, can be purchased independantly for nurseries who wish to undertake their own propagation.

Please click here view our labels page and the list of plant labels available for purchase.

Australian native plants can be used in a myriad of ways in commercial landscaping and home gardens. For some innovative landscaping ideas you can view photos of plants in situ on our landscape and garden page.